Welcome to First Grade

Important Dates: 

Unit 8 Fundations: 

In this Unit students learn the difference between a blend and a digraph.  A digraph contains two consonants and only makes one sound such as /sh/. 

A blend, however, contains two or more consonants but they each make their own sound, such as /s/ and /l/.  A blend can come before a vowel or after a vowel.

We will blend, segment and read words with up to four sounds. We will also learn r-control vowel sounds: ar, or, er, ir, ur.

L1 Home Support Unit 8 (1).pdf

You can contact our team at the following email addresses: 

Mrs. Nappi   mnappi@schooloftheincarnation.org

Mrs. Guillen   hguillen@schooloftheincarnation.org

Mrs. Guenther   jguenther@schooloftheincarnation.org