Upcoming Important Dates
February 7th: PAC Father Daughter dance 6:30-8:30pm
February 10th: Feast Day celebration of St. Josephine Bakhita: PreK Students may dress in green
February 14th: School closed for Pre-K students
February 17th: School closed
*Every Friday is a Spirit Wear Day.
Students may wear PE uniforms that
day or any items from the online
Contact Information
Mrs. Betsy Von Hagen
Mrs. Lauren Smith
Mrs. Rachel Seitler
Week of February 10th-14th
R is for Railroad
*We will be learning about the letter Rr Jj
*We will be learning about transportation
*We will learn about Valentine's Day
Week of February 17th-21st
Letter S is for Sailboat
*We will be learning about the letter Ss
*We will learn about transportation
*We will learn about Presidents
*What is a stories
Optional Asynchronous Inclement Weather Activity