
Upcoming Important Dates

February 7th: PAC Father Daughter dance 6:30-8:30pm

February 10th:  Feast Day celebration of St. Josephine Bakhita: PreK Students may dress in green

February 14th: School closed for Pre-K students

February 17th: School closed 

*Every Friday is a Spirit Wear Day. 

   Students may wear PE uniforms that 

   day or any items from the online 


Contact Information

Week of February 10th-14th  

R is for Railroad

*We will be learning about the letter Rr Jj

*We will be learning about transportation

*We will learn about Valentine's Day

Week of February 17th-21st

Letter S is for Sailboat

*We will be learning about the letter Ss

*We will learn about transportation

*We will learn about Presidents

*What is a  stories

Optional Asynchronous Inclement Weather Activity 

Play Ideas for February_snow
Additional Learning Options for February_snow