
Week of November 18th- 22nd

Jj is for Juice

*We will be learning about the letter Jj

*We will be learning the number 10

*We will explore Thanksgiving traditions

*Continue with food

*We will give Thanks!

Week of December 2nd-6th 

Kk is for Kitchen

*We will be learning about the letter Kk

*We will be reviewing numbers 1-10

*We will learn about Advent and Saint Nicholas  

*We will read and compare gingerbread stories

*Every Friday is a Spirit Wear Day. 

   Students may wear PE uniforms that 

   day or any items from the online 


Upcoming Important Dates

November 15: No school for students. See below for your child's assignment for the day. 

November 20th: House meeting day.  PreK students may dress out of uniform representing lots of house colors!

November 21st: Hearing and Vision Screening

November 22nd: Thanksgiving Family Project due

November 26th: Grandparent & Special Friends Day - more details in the school newsletter

November 27-29th: School closed Thanksgiving Break

Contact Information

PreK Assignment for Friday, November 15
My Recipe