6th Grade


Wednesday, 10/9- 6.2 Fractions quiz

Wednesday, 10/9 - 6.3/6.4 Decimals Unit Test

Friday, 10/11 Spelling and definitions Quiz 6.1 and 6.2

Monday, 10/14- 6.1 Fraction Operations Unit Test

Monday, 10/14- 6.2 Fraction Operations Quiz 2

Monday, 10/14- Ch 6 Religion Quiz

Wednesday, 10/16- 6.2 Fraction Operations Unit Test

Thursday, 10/17 (Rahim ELA)-  MANU SPelling and definition quiz

Friday, 10/18 (Rahim ELA)- Storm Runners end of novel test


please note:

Sign in/out form ( used when leaving the classroom for bathroom, water, office, etc.)

Study Hall Sign-In 

Band website link

Service Hours Google Form

Sixth Grade Supply List

Summer Work 2024

Join the 6th Grade Summer Google classroom Code:  f76nkaw

Rising 6th ELA work

Rising 6TH MATH Work


Band Demo Website Link

Parent Income Survey

Parents, we need your help! Please take a moment to complete the Parent Income Survey on behalf of our school. Your participation enables us to benefit from valuable State and Federal materials and services. PLEASE COMPLETE THE SURVEY ONE TIME FOR EACH CHILD IN YOUR FAMILY. 

Survey Link

2024 Back To School Night 6th grade.pdf

Sixth-grade homework and reminders can be found under each drop down menu.

Language Arts- Ms. Colclough

Please check PowerSchool and Google classroom for any missing work!

Week starting 9/23- students completed membean in class .  Edpuzzle on annotating and Newsela article on Rip Van Winkle to practice annotating.  Annotations are at least one per paragraph and to complete the quiz on Newsela.  This is graded on completion.  If not finished in class it is homework!  

Membean quiz on Thursday, 9/26!

50 minutes of membean for the week.  Students are expected to complete the 50 minutes of membean unless specified otherwise!


Language Arts - Ms. Rahim



Monday, 10/7- No school- teacher retreat

Tuesday, 10/8-  We completed 15 minutes of Membean;  We went over comprehension packet slides 8, 10, 11, 12;  We read and discussed Storm Runner through page 96;  HOMEWORK:  Spelling worksheet from last week (Mandy:  Hand Done)

Wednesday, 10/9-  15 minutes of Membean;  We watched a YouTube clip explaining ALLUSIONS youtu.be/UWFR_pZ2jBg?si=ued5L1FwUPFtG_Ct 

Afterwards we completed two sections of 5th Grade IXL-  G4 and G5 (see GC);  We continued reading and discussing Storm Runners. No new homework.

Thursday, 10/10-  10 minutes of membean; handout was given to review some different forms of figurative language; live EdPuzzle (figurative language); complete on your own if not present in class;  We read and discussed in Storm Runners 

Friday, 10/11-  10 minutes of membean;  Membean Quiz; The Run- Part 7; Finish IXL today or due on Monday if not done


Monday, 9/30-  10 minutes of Membean;  we began talking about the personal narrative writing piece and completed an related EdPuzzle Due tomorrow morning; time to work on haiku poems that are due tomorrow;  a lot of class time was allotted last week for haiku poems;  personal reading time if done

Tuesday, 10/1-  10 minutes of Membean; We read in Storm Runners through page 77; new spelling list (MANU words); spelling slides are due on Thursday morning.

Wednesday, 10/2-  15 minutes of Membean;;  Storm Runner novel study and discussion (to page 84);  GC comprehension packet for Storm Runners (slides 8, 10 11, 12); Comprehension questions are a classwork assignment and should have been finished; If not completed today in class, will need to be done bone by 3:15 tomorrow; Spelling slides due tomorrow (assigned on Tuesday).

Thursday, 10/3-  15 minutes of Membean; Readworks:  The Run Part 6;  Spelling worksheet (Mandy:  Hand Done);  Homework is to complete any missing work in Power School (will indicate missing and zero grade).

Friday, 10/4-  No school; professional development day


Monday, 9/23-  10 minutes of Membean;  We tied the potential hurricane being forecasted into Storm Runners and completed a live EdPuzzle as an oral language grade.  We read in Storm Runners.

Tuesday, 9/24-  10 minutes of Membean;  We discussed the Membean Haiku contest (will write haikus tomorrow);  We followed updates on Tropical Storm Helene and related it to Storm Runners; We read through about page 63 and discussed the novel events; We completed 2 sections of 6th grade IXL (W1 and W3-synonyms and antonyms);  Finish by Thursday if not done in class.  This was originally posted as W1 and W2.  W2 was not assigned in IXL or highlighted.  

Wednesday, 9/25-  15 minutes of Membean;  See GC for the Crafting a Membean Haiku assignment; due on Monday, 9/30

Thursday, 9/26-  15 minutes of Membean; Scholastic Scope grammar worksheet;  Readworks:  The Run Part 5

Friday, 9/27-  No Math and ELA today (House activities and 12:15 dismissal


Monday,  9/16-  10 minutes of Membean;  IXL:  6th Grade G2 (Draw Inferences From Literary Text); Storm Runners video and discussion through page 34

Tuesday, 9/17- MAP testing (Reading).  No ELA 

Wednesday, 9/18- 10 minutes of Membean;  IXL:  6th Grade G2 (Draw Inferences From Literary Text) if not completed in class today.  CHECK POWER SCHOOL

Thursday, 9/19-  15 minutes of Membean; Storm Runners through page 41; slide 4 from the Storm Runners comprehension packet.

Friday, 9/20- 15 minutes of Membean; Membean Quiz; Readworks:  The Run Part 4; 


Monday, 9/9- 10 minutes of Membean; Scholastic Scope grammar activity and worksheet (CW); Spelling Packets (FOLI words and definitions)- due on Friday before spelling/definition quiz

Tuesday, 9/10-  Membean 10 minutes;   Today in class, we worked on the following:

Wednesday, 9/11-  10 minutes of Membean; Tying in with Storm Runners, we watched Weather Channel video about Hurricane Francine and hurricane categories in virtual reality.  We answered questions in the comprehension packet through chapter 2:16 pm.  We readthrough page 23. No additional homework.

Thursday, 9/12-  10 minutes of Membean; Spelling quiz review in Nearpod; Use this student paced Nearpod code to access review  9CXRJ. Summer novel oral language presentation (see GC) is due tomorrow night.

Friday, 9/13- 10 minutes of Membean; quick spelling review; spelling/definition quiz; Readworks:  The Run Part 3


Monday, 9/2-  Labor Day

Tuesday, 9/3-  We completed 15 minutes of Membean;  Students worked on Friday's Readworks assignment, The Run Part 1 (DUE tomorrow morning);  FOLI  spelling slides are due on Thursday 9/5 at 8:15.  

Wednesday, 9/4-  We completed 15 minutes of Membean and a spelling worksheet in class.  We began to read and discuss Storm Runners, our first novel.   Homework:  finish spelling slides (see Google Classroom)

Thursday, 9/5-  10 minutes of Membean;  We read, discussed, and answered questions in Storm Runners.  

Friday, 9/6-  10 minutes of Membean; Readworks:  The Run Part 2 (homework due on Monday if not finished in class)  We started working on oral presentations of summer reading book (see GC).

Unless otherwise directed, students must complete 10 minutes of Membean daily.  If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to make up the minutes from that week.

All work should be submitted on it's designated due date and time or late points will be deducted on a daily basis.  No work will be accepted after two weeks.

Math- Mrs. Brundidge

Victoria Brundidge: vbrundidge@schooloftheincarnation.org ​ 

Website for math book: my.hrw.com

IXL website: https://www.ixl.com/signin/incarnation

**Please note that homework is subject to change based on daily instruction. 

 All assignments will be graded within 7 days of submission, barring extenuating circumstances.

If a missing or incomplete assignment is turned in, students MUST email their teacher in order to have that assignment's grade updated.

*Please make sure that if you do not finish your math moments/warm ups in class daily they are completed THAT night at home and that you are attaching work for each day- no matter HOW simple the problem seems.*

Math 6.1 (Math 7 Accelerated)

Coming Soon: 

This Week: 9/30-10/4

Monday, 10/7- No School

Tuesday, 10/8- Dividing Fractions Application worksheet

Wednesday, 10/9- None

Thursday, 10/10- Check Fraction Unit Review and come to class with questions tomorrow

Friday, 10/11- None

Last week: 9/23-9/27

Monday,  9/30-None

Tuesday, 10/1- Dividing Fractions 1 worksheet

Wednesday, 10/2- 

Thursday, 10/3- 

Friday, 10/4- No school

Math 6.2 (Math 6 Accelerated)

Coming Soon: 

This Week: 9/30-9/27

Monday, 10/7- No School

Tuesday, 10/8- Dividing Fractions 1 worksheet

Wednesday, 10/9- Dividing Fractions 2 worksheet

Thursday, 10/10- Dividing Fractions Application worksheet

Friday, 10/11- None

Last Week:  9/23-9/27

Monday, 9/30- Finish Multiplying Fractions He Said, She Said stations and study for quiz tomorrow

Tuesday, 10/1- Finish Add/Subtract Fractions Review and Multiplying Mixed Numbers Edpuzzles (show work on loose leaf)

Wednesday, 10/2- 

Thursday, 10/3- 

Friday, 10/4- No school

All assignments are due on its designated due date and time. Late points may apply.

 Please check PowerSchool regularly. 

Math- Mrs. Nimczuk

Website for math book: my.hrw.com (there is also a bookmark on your child's chromebook)

IXL website: https://www.ixl.com/signin/incarnation

*Remember that unless otherwise noted, all homework assignments should be done on loose leaf paper with a heading including first and last name, date, and math section in the upper right hand corner.

This Week:

Tuesday, October 8, 2024:   Study for tomorrow's unit test on Decimals. It will cover addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of decimals along with word problems. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2024:  none

Thursday, October 10, 2024:  Greatest Common Factor Maze due Friday, Oct 11th. Show all work in the boxes or on looseleaf. 6.4 - complete only the first 4 problems of the GCF Maze.

Friday, October 11, 2024:  none


Monday, September 30, 2024:   Finish "Dividing by a Decimal" worksheet, #3-5, due Tuesday. Remember, you must show all work. Decimals Unit Test will be Wed 10/9.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024:  none

Wednesday, October 2, 2024:  Division Puzzle with the work due Thursday, 10/3. You only need to show the work for one problem in each box/letter.

Thursday, October 3, 2024:  Don't forget Decimals Unit Test is Wed 10/9.


Monday, September 23, 2024:  6.3- Finish Dividing Whole Numbers worksheet due Tues.  6.4- Complete #3-7 on Dividing Whole Numbers worksheet due Tuesday.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024:  none due to MAP testing tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024:  Finish Dividing Decimals worksheet, due Thurs.

Thursday, September 26, 2024:  Finish Pixel Art for Mon 9/30 if you didn't finish today. Turn in your work for the 10 problems  in class on Monday and turn the picture in via Google Classroom.

Friday, September 27, 2024:  No math class today.


Monday, September 16, 2024:  None. There will be a quiz on Adding and Subtracting Decimals on Thurs 9/19.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024:  No class today due to testing.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024:  Study for tomorrow's quiz on Adding and Subtracting Decimals.

Thursday, September 19, 2024:  6.3 - Finish worksheet Maze #2 and Multiplying Decimals on the other side.  6.4 - complete A, B, C, D on Multiplying Decimals worksheet. Show all work. 

Friday, September 20, 2024:  none


Monday, September 9, 2024:  Finish Pixel Art- Divisibility Rules in Google Classroom and the worksheet. Due Tuesday. Use your Divisibility Rules as your reasons why.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024:  Adding and Subtracting Decimals worksheet #1-5 due Wed. Open note assessment on Fri 9/13. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024:  Finish #6-8 on Adding and Subtracting Decimals worksheet from last night.  Open note assessment is Fri 9/13.

Thursday, September 12, 2024:  Open note assessment is Fri 9/13. See Google Classroom for details.

Friday, September 13, 2024:  none


Tuesday, September 3, 2024:  Summer work is due by Fri 9/6. Return signed syllabus ASAP. Complete "Whole Numbers and Place Value" review sheet due Wed. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2024:  Summer work is due by Fri 9/6. Return signed syllabus ASAP. 

Thursday, September 5, 2024:  Summer work is due tomorrow. Finish "Factor It! Label It!" worksheet due tomorrow.

Friday, September 6, 2024:  none


Tuesday, August 27, 2024:  Signature page from syllabus due Fri 8/30.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024:   Signature page from syllabus due Fri 8/30.

Thursday, August 29, 2024:   Signature page from syllabus due Fri 8/30.

All work must be turned in on its assigned due date and time. Late points will otherwise be deducted on a daily basis. 

Please be sure to check Google Classroom daily and charge your Chromebook each night.

Religion- Mrs. Brundidge

Textbook Study Guides and Review Games: https://digitallibrary.loyolapress.com/index-of-resources-5-cols/?family=24&grade=8&file=1916

Daily Examen:  http://www.ignatianspirituality.com/ignatian-prayer/the-examen

Divine Mercy Chaplet:  http://www.thedivinemercy.org/message/devotions/praythechaplet.php

Electronic Version of the Catholic Bible:  http://www.usccb.org/bible/  ​​

This Week:

Monday, 10/7- No School

Tuesday, 10/8- None

Wednesday, 10/9- None

Thursday, 10/10- 6C: Complete worksheet 6c, 6B:- p. 56 in religion book, 6A: p. 56 in religion book

Friday, 10/11- None

Last Week:

Monday, 9/30- Complete page 50.

Tuesday, 10/1- Complete page 52 AND the Edpuzzle entitled "God's Story: Abraham and Sarah"

Wednesday, 10/2- 

Thursday, 10/3- 

Friday, 10/4- No school

Social Studies - Mrs. Nimczuk

Mrs. Nimczuk:   animczuk@schooloftheincarnation.org

The online Social Studies textbook link is located under the topic "Cengage Resources" in Google Classroom.

This Week:

Tuesday, October 8, 2024:   none

Wednesday, October 9, 2024:  none

Thursday, October 10, 2024:  none

Friday, October 11, 2024:  none


Monday, September 30, 2024:  Study for tomorrow's test!

Tuesday, October 1, 2024:  none

Wednesday, October 2, 2024:  none

Thursday, October 3, 2024:  none


Monday, September 23, 2024:   none

Tuesday, September 24, 2024:  none, due to MAP testing tomorrow. Test 1 will be on Tuesday, October 1st.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024:  No class today due to MAP testing. Test 1 will be on Tuesday, Oct 1st.

Thursday, September 26, 2024:  Finish Virtual Archaeology Vocabulary and Think About, Write About questions on worksheet, due Friday.

Friday, September 27, 2024:  Prepare for SS test 1 on Tuesday, Oct 1st.


Monday, September 16, 2024:  none

Tuesday, September 17, 2024:  none

Wednesday, September 18, 2024:  no class today due to MAP testing.

Thursday, September 19, 2024:  Finish Timeline of Your Life worksheet due Fri. Follow the directions on the worksheet and also draw and color 3 pictures to put in the empty white spaces. The pictures should show 3 of your timeline events.

Friday, September 20, 2024:  none


Monday, September 9, 2024:  Finish Using Latitude and Longitude worksheet, due Tuesday. Use tools in Google Classroom from last week and maps in Google to help you.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024:  none

Wednesday, September 11, 2024:  Finish "Is this a Primary or Secondary Source?" worksheet due Thursday.

Thursday, September 12, 2024:  none

Friday, September 13, 2024:  none


Tuesday, September 3, 2024:  Return signed syllabus ASAP. Finish Passport, due Wednesday, 9/4.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024:  Return signed syllabus ASAP.

Thursday, September 5, 2024:  Complete all of the "Continents and Oceans of the World Map" except for coloring. We will do this in class on Friday.

Friday, September 6, 2024:  If you did not finish coloring your map in class today, please finish over the weekend and turn it in on Monday. 


Tuesday, August 27, 2024:  Signature page from syllabus due Fri 8/30.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024:  Signature page from syllabus due Fri 8/30.

Thursday, August 29, 2024:   Signature page from syllabus due Fri 8/30.

All work must be turned in on its assigned due date and time. Late points will otherwise be deducted. 

Please be sure to check Google Classroom daily and charge your Chromebook each night.

Science - Ms. Rahim

Monday, 10/7-  No school-teacher retreat

Tuesday, 10/8-  We discussed science in the news, Hurricane Milton;  We completed an EdPuzzle as classwork (Hurricanes);  HOMEWORK:  Readworks assignment (see GC);  due tomorrow morning

Wednesday, 10/9-  We took new notes (Chapter 2.2- Earth's Interior) and discussed.  No new homework other than the Readworks assigned yesterday (due tomorrow 8:15)

Thursday, 10/10-  We completed a Nearpod using chapter 2.2 notes (Earth's Interior)

Friday, 10/11-  We finished the fill in the blank and Time to Climb from yesterday's Nearpod; If you were absent, use the following code to complete the fill in the blank to 15/15  (F5XCV) ;  Please send an email to confirm completion; Workbook page 15 (classwork)


Monday, 9/30-  We completed workbook pages 12 (textbook 41-42) and 13 (textbook 43-44);  We also worked in a Nearpod about earth's spheres; Quiz Thursday

Tuesday, 10/1-  Nearpod review for Thursday's quiz (2.1) ;   2BFVW

Use the above code to complete  2 slides in the Nearpod (Ch. 2.1 fact and 23/23 on fill in the blank).

Wednesday, 10/2-   In class we today we reviewed for tomorrow's quiz.  Student paced codes to review/study for tomorrow's Ch. 2.1 Quiz:   REHX7  Z47TA  TVWB4;  

Thursday, 10/3-  Chapter 2.1 quiz;  Homework is to complete any missing work in Power School (will indicate missing and zero grade)

Friday, 10/4-  No school; professional development day


Monday, 9/23-  We worked in a Nearpod to take Chapter 2.1 notes;  Homework is an EdPuzzle:  Interaction of Earth's Spheres (due in the morning by end of homeroom); Today's notes are posted in GC.

Tuesday, 9/24- 6A completed a Nearpod using Chapter 2.1 notes; 6B and 6C reviewed notes and completed worksheets in groups with Mrs. Arnold; no new homework

Wednesday, 9/25-  Math MAP testing; no Science, Religion, SS today.

Thursday, 9/26-  6A  completed a 3 page worksheet packet in groups and we corrected it in class.  In 6B and 6C, we corrected the packet and we worked in a Nearpod using Chapter 2.1 notes.  The packets are homework if not completed in class.  The chapter itself is posted in GC.  Please use pages 42-45.

Friday, 9/27-  Packets were finished in class.  Please finish at home using your notes if you were absent or did not submit to turn in bin.  No new homework.


Monday, 9/16-  We took NOS 1/2 quiz;  After the quiz, there was an assigned Readworks called Earth Science:  Hurricanes

Tuesday, 9/17-   We read pages NOS 20-22 and completed workbook page NOS 8 using those pages.  A Readworks was assigned:  Thawing the Iceman.  Due Thursday morning.

Wednesday, 9/18-  MAP testing in the morning.  Yesterday's Readworks: Thawing the Iceman, is due tomorrow morning if not finished last night's or today's bonus study hall.

Thursday, 9/19-   We did a lesson in Readworks on citing evidence from informational text.  Going forward, if question asks for evidence from the passage, students will be required to include in their answer, "I know this because in the passage it states that...."  Students independently started or completed an EdPuzzle on Oetzi the iceman.  This is due tomorrow at 8:15.

Friday, 9/20-   Oetzi the Iceman graded Nearpod.  No new homework.


Monday, 9/9-  We discussed the history of vaccines as related to the Scientific Method and completed a graded Nearpod;  Homework: Readworks Louis Pasteaur (see GC)- make sure you log into your Science Readworks class and not ELA or Rising Sixth

Tuesday, 9/10-  We reviewed notes, completed a live Brainpop EdPuzzle about the Scientific Method (see GC) Yesterday's Nearpod should be completed by this evening if not already submitted.

Wednesday, 9/11-  If you were absent from class today, please complete workbook page NOS 3 using pages 6,8,9 in the text (posted in GC_)

Thursday, 9/12- No new homework other than review notes and utilize study guide in Nearpod activities.   Nearpod review to prepare for Monday's quiz.  Student paced Nearpod codes to access study guide/review:




Friday, 9/13-  We took the 6th grade MAP practice tests in the science classes.  We played review games for Mondays quiz.  Homework is to study notes and utilize Nearpod codes to review material.


Monday,  9/2- Labor Day

Tuesday,  9/3- We completed new notes via Nearpod (also posted in GC); The code to student paced Nearpod to successfully complete the matching pairs activity from today is MVSKC  (See Power School if unsure.  EdPuzzle due Wednesday morning;  See Google Classroom.

Wednesday,  9/4-  We discussed and did activities related to NOS 2 notes.  We completed worksheet page 10 as a class.  The other side (page 9) is homework.

Thursday,  9/5-  Liturgy schedule/shortened class time;  Bill Nye the Science Guy EdPuzzle- The Scientific Method.  This was CW/HW that is due on Monday morning.

Friday,  9/6-  We completed NOS page 2 in the workbook using pages NOS 4-7 in the textbook.  This chapter is posted in GC.  We reviewed NOS 1 and 2 notes.

All work must be turned in on its assigned due date and time or late points will be deducted on a daily basis.  Late work after two weeks will not be accepted.

Please review notes on a daily basis!

Always a good idea to check in with Power School.


email: mmiller@schooloftheincarnation.org

Welcome / ¡Bienvenidos!

 SPANISH VIRTUAL CLASSROOM:  El Aula de la Sra. Miller (NOTE:  Not all links are live)


email: mmiller@schooloftheincarnation.org

Welcome / ¡Bienvenidos!



Google Classroom Codes

Duolingo Codes 



Heritage Speaker Exercises

Vocabulary folder

Grammar Videos

Reading Strategies

Self-paced Regular Verb Conjugation Nearpod

MS Flipgrid Link



Septiembre:  La Escuela 

Octubre:  Colores y Partes del Cuerpo



week 09/03:  Please have warm-up#1, Classwork 1 & 2 complete by 09/27

WEEKS 09/09-09/16:  Please have  ALL warm-ups , Classwork 1-2, and Textbook exercise complete by 09/27


WEEK 90/30: SCHOOL/September Vocabulary drill week of 10/14

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