4th Grade
If you were ABSENT or missed something check here...
Monday Oct. 7: No School
**Click here for all previous absent work.**
Educational Websites Cheat Sheet
4th Grade Uniform Policy (Regular, PE, Spirit Wear and Out of Uniform)
School Healthy Snack Policy Smartwatch and Cell Phone Policy
Parent Income Survey
Parents, we need your help! Please take a moment to complete the Parent Income Survey on behalf of our school. Your participation enables us to benefit from valuable State and Federal materials and services. PLEASE COMPLETE THE SURVEY ONE TIME FOR EACH CHILD IN YOUR FAMILY.
Important Dates to Remember:
Tuesday, October 8: Spelling Quiz (Links to lists and spelling homework instructions are below.)
Friday, October 11: Religion Chapter 2 Quiz
Tuesday, October 15: Math Ch 5 Final Quiz ( Video on using divisibility rules to make a factor tree )
Wednesday, October 16: ELA Vocabulary Quiz : handout Nearpod Matching
Tuesday, October 22: Spelling Quiz Long A Words Set 2 (lists will be posted Monday 10/14)
THE WEEK OF Oct 7, 2024
Planned homework may change depending on class instruction or school closure.
Students should wait for instruction from the teacher before doing anything assigned.
English Language Arts - Mrs. Allison Kavanaugh
Fun Fact: I have my boating license!
Coming up:
This week we will have our spelling quiz on Tuesday.
We will also begin reading a story from our Wonders anthology called Dollar Sense.
We will learn the associated vocabulary and work on central/main idea and details as the comprehension skill
Dollars and Sense Vocab for quiz 10/16: handout Nearpod Matching
Spelling Lists Spelling Homework Checklist and Choices
Long A Part 1 lists for Quiz on October 8: Snap, Crackle, Pop
HOMEWORK. Projected homework may change.
Monday, October 14 :
Tuesday, October 15:
Wednesday,October 16:
Thursday, October 17 :
Friday, October 18:Have a great weekend!
*When "free read" is assigned for homework, there are many options. Students may read by themselves, read out loud to a parent/sibling/pet :), take turns reading pages out loud with a parent/sibling, or listen to an audiobook while following along with the words in the hardcopy book.
Math - Mrs. Sandi Dlugonski Fun Fact: I have a cosmetology license!
Ch 5 Factors, Multiples and Patterns Ch 5 Vocab
NEW Video on using divisibility rules to make a factor tree
Ch 5 Vocab Nearpod Matching Game (code 4FA7S)
Math Facts Calendar Sept-Dec 2024
Addition and Subtraction Resource Pages
Subtraction with Regrouping (across zero) video
Link to free 4th grade math print outs!
Resource Pages: IXL log in page
Monday, Oct 14: Complete Ch 5 Review sheet and check here (will be posted Monday) using a COLORED item like we do in class!! Rember to get it signed! Math Facts
NEW Video on using divisibility rules to make a factor tree
Tuesday, Oct 15: Math Facts
Wednesday, Oct 16: Math facts
Thursday, Oct 17: Begin to study Ch 2 Vocab Cards. Math facts .
Friday, Oct 18:. Math Facts
Science, Social Studies, and Religion - Mrs. Heather Ricardi
**Fun Fact: I was on the crew team at UCONN.
**Please encourage your children to make sure they hand in assignments when they are due. If they are absent, please make sure that they look to see what they have missed! Science and Social Studies are rotating subjects and are not taught each week! When looking at Power School, please be aware that grades in Science and Social Studies take time to update. These classes are on a rotation and grades won't change until we visit that subject again! If you have any questions about this, please reach out!
This week we are returning to Science and are going to be working with plate tectonics, earthquakes, and volcanoes. We are going to look at how the moving of Earth's crust shapes the land that we see. We will hopefully be able to get to a Mystery Science activity towards the end of the week!
Social Studies
This week we are not focusing on Social Studies.
This week we are continuing with Chapter 2 in our Religion books. This chapter focuses on the parts of the Bible and how God reveals Himself to us through Scripture. There is going to be a quiz on Chapter 2 on Friday. This may change depending on how the week goes. A study guide will be sent home closer to the end of the week!
Homework: This is the projected homework for this week. It is possible that due to circumstances in class the homework may change. Please look at the student's planner as this will have the most recent and up to date homework. If nothing is written in the agenda, please look at the absent work file attached at the top of the page as the current information will be found there!
Social Studies Glossary
Monday, Oct 7: No School
Religion: Pray
Social Studies:
Tuesday, Oct 8:
Religion: Pray
Science: homework that was written on the board/in agendas got CANCELLED!!
Social Studies:
Wednesday, Oct 9:
Religion: Pray, Quiz Friday
Social Studies:
Thursday, Oct 10:
Religion: Pray, Quiz tomorrow
Social Studies:
Friday, Oct 11:
Religion: Pray
Social Studies:
email: mmiller@schooloftheincarnation.org
SPANISH VIRTUAL CLASSROOM: El Aula de la Sra. Miller (NOTE: Not all links are live)
¡Qué Nervios! El primer día de escuela por Julie Danneberg (audio reading)
Reading Strategies